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Showing posts with label Sherwin Williams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sherwin Williams. Show all posts

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Cozy Guest Room

The guest room is finished! I'm pleased with how it turned out- really cozy ☺☺☺

This room was originally Hudson's nursery and I love the paint color (SW Comfort Gray) so I knew I didn't want to change that it needed a new bed and decor. I ordered the bed from Wayfair and was pleased how easy it was to assemble ( although we're a tad nervous due to the fact that I had several bolts left over.... goodness, I hope it doesn't fall apart while someone is sleeping in there! ha!). Above the bed are fabric hoops that I spray painted gray and placed fabric in them.

The focal point of the room is- the antique mantle! I searched and searched for an antique mantle for months before finding this one on Criagslist (really, they should change the name to Lydiaslist). It's originally from a 100-year-old farmhouse and perfect condition. The logs inside the fireplace are cut from my favorite place in the world, Hilton Head Island, where I stuffed a branch from a tree that was destroyed in a Hurricane in the back of my van. I couldn't smuggle enough logs from HHI in my vehicle before Corey found out, so the remainder came from woods at his Grandparents house. The story getting THOSE logs is horrific as Graham and I got covered in a nest of teeny tiny ticks and I literally about LOST MY MIND. It was horrible. I still have nightmares.

There's a weird little nook in this room that is, basically, wasted space so Corey made a floating desk and it fits the space perfectly and makes it feel like part of the room and not just a weird area.

Now on to the next project ;)

Saturday, July 29, 2017

The Ol' Swicheroo

Hi friends!
So, my husband is anxious to move... don't even ask. I'm not. In an effort to remind him just how terrible moving is I came up with a plan {floating in the pool, drinking margaritas on vacation, where all good plans happen, obviously ;) } to move the three bedrooms around. Graham will move to the guest room, Hudson to Graham's old room and Hudson's old room would be the guest room. Sounds easy, right? Not exactly, due to the projects I came up with to make this all happen. Painting and installing board and batton in Graham's new room. Painting and building a bed for Hudson's new room. Assembling a new bed for the guest room and installing the antique mantle {still not done with that...}.
Side note- to make this plan happen, I've had to get rid of stuff we don't need anymore- baby bed, old guest room furniture. So I do what all people do and post the "good stuff" on Craigslist {and donate van loads of other stuff to Goodwill} and this is how it goes: I assume I'm going to sell "the good stuff" within minutes {very rarely happens}. Two, I never give out my number {stranger danger} until I feel like the people are actually going to come pick up said "good stuff" and then treat them like serial killers until they pull up. And once again, I'm proven wrong. Every time someone comes they're the nicest! Like amazing people! Anyway, back to the plan.
The worst part of this plan: moving closets. Horrible. Do you have any idea how much stuff is thrown into closets? A ton. Off to Goodwill ;)

I'll post Hudson's room in another post. Here's Graham's new room:

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